Sunday, July 31

Photo Montage

Kenyan VolunteersKenyan Volunteers: Mr. Ochillo, Andrea, Evans, Phillis (Phil-Byrd); Fiona, Rachel; Will, Katie, Brian

The Ladies (& Me) of Small Group 8: Ellen, Margaret, Evans, Jennifer Sara, Charlotte, Sandra, JohannahThe Ladies (& Me) of Small Group 8:
Ellen, Margaret, Evans, Jennifer
Sara, Charlotte, Sandra, Johannah



Team Kenya:
Brian, Will, Evans; Katie and Andrea; Fiona and Rachel

CPD & me hittin' up Chi-town

Chicago Skyline at Night

Andrea Takes a Deep Laugh

Will Bringing Out the Piece

Brian- Wo-huh?

E lookin' cool (or so he thinks)

Rachel Chillin' Out

The group practicing ballet... any other suggestions are welcome as we think of things to do while waiting in Kenya.

Joseph the Dereva and Me

The Group in our own Matatu

Fiona the Princess

Tuanane Baadaya (See you later)

Pangini Girls Choir
Children Sing for us at Pangini School

Monica Weaves
Monica was trained by Pangini school in weaving

Big Ted & I share some cake.

The Apartment, Unfurnished

The picture doesn't do justice to the horror.

Pictures from All-Night Worship

At the Equator

First day of Work

My Brother "Bobla" and Me in Paradise Lost

A worthwhile investment?

Will in our "dying" room watching TV fizzle rock


On the Rift Valley Floor

Mt. Longonot Expedition

Faith, Joseph, Dan, Me & "Pinky"

John, a US visitor, bales hay with two farmers.

The "Gas Station"

Maasai Kids & Me

Maasai woman and her two children

Maasai men marching; a prelude to their farewell dance

Man taking bags of corn to local market.

How many monkeys in the photo?

Waterbucks: Postcard, anyone?

Flamigo Party, Lake Nakuru

White Rhino
(name not based on skin color but something to do with mouth)

Pelicans do a fly-over

Below: Women with children at Mutuini School Meeting

Children Outside School Gate

Cathy jukes past someone, a-gain.

Njeri inbounds the ball.

Shallow lake formed by a sub-surface dam.

Maasai Herder: Livestock is their Livelihood.

Joseph, the pump attendant, draws water with this diesel generator.

Noah, who donated the land for the borehole, watches his wife draw water.

Donkeys lounge around after drinking.

Elephant orphanage:

Going to the Barber:

The faces and handiwork of Atman's children:


Visit to School in Narok during the drought, January 11th, 2006:

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