Wednesday, April 5

Death Around the Corner

This morning Will heard four gunshots outside. Looking out the window, he saw a police vehicle speed past. I kept sleeping.

On our way to work, we passed by a man lying on the street. He'd been shot by the police for attempting to break into a person's house. Large bolt clippers lay by his side.

I don't think I've ever seen a dead man lying in the street before. Many Kenyans stood around talking about the incident, but none seemed terribly disturbed by the events. There were no police markers or crime scene tape; just a police vehicle a short distance away. I think the body was finally picked up around 10:30 AM.

Many questions remain. Why did the police need to shoot this man? Did they think he was armed? Was he trying to escape? Is this what normally happens?

It seems that death is a lot more palpable here. Most houses/complexes are walled-in and have at least one security guard. Nairobi is known as "Nairobbery" in some places, yet the government has done a lot to reduce the crime. For instance, on our street the city has installed lighting to deter crime at night.

Sometimes I feel the police respond violently. When people were protesting the Danish cartoons, there was a man shot by police. Are they overreacting? Were they properly trained? I'm uncertain...

Still, I feel safe walking along the street, despite (or because of?) my white skin.

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