Wednesday, June 28

Final Retreat in the Mara

This week the other YAVs and I had our final retreat at Keekoroch Lodge in the Masai Mara. It was a relaxing time, as we caught up on our activities, read a few books, welcomed Phyllis back to Kenya after a four-month "missionary tour," and enjoyed the sights and sounds of the Mara wildlife.

The lodge had a safari walk where there were plenty of monkeys and hippos to see. The monkeys even invaded the non-fenced camp and went into my room while I was taking a shower... when I emerged dripping wet and towel-girded, I found Andrea being chased around by a monkey. The two of us were able to reclaim our territory and kick the rest of them out. Apparently they wanted my watermelon but were unsuccessful. I think Andrea was somewhat traumatized by the whole episode, yet I still remain a die-hard monkey fan. Lemurs are still the best, though, but I'll have to visit Madagascar to see them in the wild.

Zebra at Sunrise

Hippo Yawn

Lions on the Lookout
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