Wednesday, February 15

The Drought's Carnage

Reality Hits Hard:
Cattle carcasses litter the ground around two community workers.

Kenyan continues to go without a drop of water. The government has bought a few cattle from the vast herds who await the same fate as these in the picture above. Yet even as the Kenyan government seeks aid for drought relief, the government is plagued by corruption scandals leading all the way up to the Vice President. Any sort of aid, for drought or development, will likely be withheld until decisive action is taken to investigate these allegations. Church World Service will soon be receiving and implementing (through our partners) a relief fund from ACT (Action by Churches Together) in Geneva. However, our project was supposed to fill-in the gaps of the government's.

Meanwhile, our apartment is without running water now for over a week; a convenience withheld rather than a livelihood destroyed. I request that today you think about all the ways you use water, and what you would do if there wasn't any.

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